10 events found.
Beginner Puppy Class / Advanced Puppy Class
Beginner Puppy Class For additional information and to register for the class, please contact Jan Nuzzo.
Basic and Advanced Rally KT
What is AKC Rally competition For more information and/or to sign up, contact the instructor directly: Kym Thomas.
Obedience Class (CW)
For more information and/or to sign up, please contact the instructor Carolyn White What is obedience class
Agility Class KK (Mon)
Learn all the skills for agility with your dog. For more information and/or to register, contact Kelsey Kirkpatrick.
Agility Advanced KB-KW
What is Canine Agility Classes? For additional information and/or sign up, contact Kathy Brady
Conformation Class SD
What is: Conformation For more information and/or to sign up, please contact the instructor directly: Sherry Dahly